Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fab Abs

Hey All! 

So, I have decided that it's time for me to get back in shape and use the new year as a beginning for a new me. I am going to start this year with a 30 Day Ab and Squat Challenge, adding to it a slight diet (really just healthier eating) and a bit of cardio to help with toning. I'm really excited to start doing this because, even though I don't have a lot of time to go to the gym, I really want to feel fit, healthy, and comfortable in my own skin. I'm healthy as it is, but I have that pudge that just make me uncomfortable and self conscious. So here is the lay out of my challenge: 

For the Diet: 
- Portioning Foods and limiting what I eat when
- Healthier options: Veggies, fruits, etc over chocolate, what not. 
- Eating what I want, but knowing how much I can have and knowing what I shouldn't have when. 
- Cutting out sugary drinks and beverages, substituting them with water. Water is key. 

The Challenge: 

-Each day I will warm up with a two minute jog and 25 jumping jacks to get my heart going-

Day 1: 20 sit ups. 10 crunches. 20 russian twists. 25 squats. 30 second plank.
Day 2: 25 sit ups. 15 crunches. 30 russian twists. 30 squats. 40 second plank.
Day 3: 30 sit ups. 20 crunches. 40 russian twists. 35 squats. 50 second plank.
Day 4: 35 sit ups. 25 crunches. 50 russian twists. 40 squats. 60 second plank. 
Day 5: 40 sit ups. 30 crunches. 60 russian twists. 45 squats. 60 second plank. 
Day 6: 45 sit ups. 35 crunches. 70 russian twists. 50 squats. 60 second plank. 
Day 7: Rest day. 
Day 8: 40 sit ups. 30 crunches. 60 russian twists. 45 squats. 60 second plank.
Day 9: 45 sit ups. 35 crunches. 70 russian twists. 50 squats. 70 second plank. 
Day 10: 50 sit ups. 40 crunches. 80 russian twists. 55 squats. 80 second plank. 
Day 11: 55 sit ups. 45 crunches. 85 russian twists. 60 squats. 90 second plank. 
Day 12: 60 sit ups. 50 crunches. 90 russian twists. 65 squats. 90 second plank. 
Day 13: 65 sit ups. 55 crunches. 100 russian twists. 70 squats. 90 second plank.
Day 14: Rest day. 
Day 15: 60 sit ups. 50 crunches. 90 russian twists. 65 squats. 90 second plank. 
Day 16: 65 sit ups. 55 crunches. 100 russian twists. 70 squats. 100 second plank. 
Day 17: 70 sit ups. 60 crunches. 100 russian twists. 75 squats. 110 second plank. 
Day 18: 75 sit ups. 65 crunches. 100 russian twists. 80 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 19: 80 sit ups. 70 crunches. 100 russian twists. 85 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 20: 85 sit ups. 75 crunches. 100 russian twists. 90 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 21: Rest Day. 
Day 22: 80 sit ups. 70 crunches. 100 russian twists. 85 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 23: 85 sit ups. 75 crunches. 100 russian twists. 90 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 24: 90 sit ups. 80 crunches. 100 russian twists. 95 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 25: 95 sit ups. 85 crunches. 100 russian twists. 100 squats. 120 second plank.
Day 26: 100 sit ups. 90 crunches. 100 russian twists. 100 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 27: 100 sit ups. 95 crunches. 100 russian twists. 100 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 28: Rest Day. 
Day 29: 100 sit ups. 95 crunches. 100 russian twists. 100 squats. 120 second plank. 
Day 30: 100 sit ups. 100 crunches. 100 russian twists. 100 squats. 120 second plank. 

These are before pictures before toning and eating healthier. like I said. It isn't a huge amount, but enough that I'd like to tone and feel better about myself, personally.

I will post end result pictures at the end of thirty days, and keep you posted with how it is going as the challenge goes on. If you try this challenge, let me know how it goes for you!! :) 

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