Monday, January 6, 2014

Parting is such sweet sorrow... Or just sorrow.

He hugs me goodnight, tears in our eyes, and turns to shut the door. He watches me through the glass window as it slowly closes between us, grabbing the handle, swinging it open, and pulling me into an embrace... 

I've never seen him so beat up. I've never felt so broken. Who knew saying goodbye for two and a half months while I go away to school would hurt so much. It isn't easy saying goodbye to someone who's changed your whole world and opened your eyes to so much more... Who's given you so much and who lifts you up every time you fall.

I'm going to miss him like crazy. I'm going to miss my friends... my family... my life back home. But what I worry about is the friends back home who seem to be slipping away. Especially the ones who used to be best friends, sisters, and who now only seem to care when it's convenient for them... which is why I spend all my spare time with my boyfriend and his family... because I can never seem to find a time that works for both the others and myself...

It really hurts going back, this time. I'm actually scared about what may come about from it. There's a lot that isn't in place where it needs to be, a lot that doesn't seem right that worries me... But all I can do is push forward and trust God that He has His plan for me and that I'm fulfilling it.

Walk by Faith... that's all I can do. I just have to trust... pray... love... take it a step at a time.

And maybe while I'm walking the path, I'll be able to bring my old friends back with me... Because I really do miss them...

Toodles, my darlings.

For another pity party, tune in next time... :/ haha. Can you tell I only write when I'm angsty, stressed, or upset? Oopsy. haha. I really am a happy person, though. Just look at how few posts I have. Woohoo! Maybe that's a good thing? Ah well... At least I made myself laugh a little before going and crying myself to sleep... Pray for me? <3 God's Grace be with you all, my doves. God Bless.

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